Eye Health and Your Contact Lenses

5 Steps to Wearing Contact Lens

Step 1: Wash Your Hands
Wash both hands thoroughly using plain neutral soap without any grease or lotion. Dry both hands using towels with no cotton/paper fiber.
Step 2: Scoop Out the Lens
Scoop the lens out of the case/blister with your finger bulb (fleshy part), placing the lens on the bulb of your index finger and make sure the edge of the lens curves inward.
Step 3: Move the Eyelids
Use the middle finger of the hand holding the lens to pull the lower eyelid down gently, and the other middle finger (or index finger) pushes the upper eyelid up gently.
Step 4: Insert the Lens
Looking straight forward, gently place the lens on the iris, which is the colored circle part of our eye.
Step 5: Complete the Process
Move your hands away and blink your eyes for a few times. The lens would move with the eye ball and stick to the center of the iris. Applied the same wearing process on the other eye.

To help users distinguish between the inside and outside faces, Seed 1dayPure Series contact lens has 2 marks on every lens to ensure easy handling and safe usage.

4 Steps to Removing Contact Lens

Step 1: Wash Your Hands
Wash both hands thoroughly using plain neutral soap without any grease or lotion. Dry both hands using towels with no cotton/paper fiber. Look at the mirror and check the position of the lens.
Step 2: Move the Eyelids
With the face facing forward, hold the mirror up and look at the eye that moves in the mirror. Use the middle finger on the same side of the eye to pull the lower eyelid down gently, and the other middle finger (or index finger) pushes the upper eyelid up gently.
Step 3: Get the Hand Position Ready
The thumb and index fingers which to remove the lens come close to touch each other slightly, forming a "V", and the two bulbs are about one centimeter apart. Eyes looking straight forward, the two bulbs press gently on the lower part of the lens.
Step 4: Remove the Lens
Look upwards, leaving the lens on the lower white part of the eye. Pinch the lens gently with both finger bulbs and the lens would come off. Do not remove the lens when it’s on your iris to avoid injury to the cornea.

Cleaning Contact Lenses

Daily disposable contact lenses are for one-time use and should be disposed off after use. These lenses do not require cleaning. Other types of disposable lens which are used over a longer period of time can house micro-organisms or build up deposits, possibly causing eye infections or discomfort if not cleaned properly. Therefore, it is important to clean and maintain the contact lens regularly. Cleaning contact lenses is quick and simple. All you need to do is:
  • Once your lens is in your palm, squeeze fresh cleaner onto its surface.
  • Rub the lens with the pads of your fingers for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat for the other side of the lens.
  • Put the lens into your case, cover it with fresh solution, and then cap.

Foods for Healthy Eyes

There are plenty of foods that will help with healthy eyes, carrot is probably the most famous of them. There's more to eye nutrition than just carrots. Learn which foods boost your eye health and help protect against sight-threatening diseases.
1Spinach (and other leafy greens)
Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kailan and caixin are full of antioxidants, in particular lutein and zeaxanthin, that help protect the eyes against age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of irreversible blindness.
Eggs also contain both lutein and zeaxanthin, and scientists say that the body is better able to absorb these antioxidants from eggs than vegetables. Besides, eggs also contain plenty of zinc, and zinc deficiency has been linked to impaired vision and cloudy cataracts. Other sources of zinc include tofu, red meat, seafood, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds.
3Fatty Fish Like Salmon
Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) are known to keep your heart and brain healthy but they may also help lower the risk of glaucoma and macular degeneration. Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions resulting in optic nerve damage, which may cause vision loss. DHA concentrates in the retina, which is the light-sensing tissue that lines the back of the eye, and may prevent plaque from forming there. Scientists have also found that omega-3 fats may help reduce dry-eye symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish like salmon, tuna, sardines and it is recommended that you eat fish at least twice a week.
4Go Nuts
If you’re not into fish, walnuts are a great source of omega-3s. Pistachios are the next best nut source of fatty acids. Almonds, like many other types of nuts, are also rich in Vitamin E which help protect against the formation of cataracts. A handful of nuts a day make for a tasty and healthy snack.
5Green Tea
Researchers have also found that catechins or disease-fighting antioxidants in green tea may help protect the eyes from glaucoma. Tests in Hong Kong have shown that these antioxidants in green tea can be absorbed into the tissues of the eye. Plus, cold tea bags can help soothe puffy eyes. Place the tea bags in the refrigerator until cold, gently squeeze out excess liquid then place the tea bags over your eyes for about 15 minutes and relax.
6Orange Produce
Think colour at your next meal – orange fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe, mangoes, apricots, red peppers, sweet potatoes liven up your plate and boost the Vitamin A in your diet.

Common Eyesight Problems

The most common vision problems are refractive errors, more commonly known as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. Refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the retina. The length of the eyeball (either longer or shorter), changes in the shape of the cornea, or aging of the lens can cause refractive errors. Most people have one or more of these conditions. The cornea and lens bend (refract) incoming light rays so they focus precisely on the retina at the back of the eye.
1What is refraction?
Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through one object to another. Vision occurs when light rays are bent (refracted) as they pass through the cornea and the lens. The light is then focused on the retina. The retina converts the light-rays into messages that are sent through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain interprets these messages into the images we see.
2What are the different types of refractive errors?

(also called myopia) is a condition where objects up close appear clearly, while objects far away appear blurry. With nearsightedness, light comes to focus in front of the retina instead of on the retina.


(also called hyperopia) is a common type of refractive error where distant objects may be seen more clearly than objects that are near. However, people experience farsightedness differently. Some people may not notice any problems with their vision, especially when they are young. For people with significant farsightedness, vision can be blurry for objects at any distance, near or far.


Is a condition in which the eye does not focus light evenly onto the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. This can cause images to appear blurry and stretched out.


Is an age-related condition in which the ability to focus up close becomes more difficult. As the eye ages, the lens can no longer change shape enough to allow the eye to focus close objects clearly.

3Who is at risk for refractive errors?
Presbyopia affects most adults over age 35. Other refractive errors can affect both children and adults. Individuals that have parents with certain refractive errors may be more likely to get one or more refractive errors.
4What are the signs and symptoms of refractive errors?
  • Double vision.
  • Haziness
  • Glare or halos around bright lights
  • Squinting
  • Headaches
  • Eye strain
5How are refractive errors diagnosed?
An eye care professional can diagnose refractive errors during a comprehensive dilated eye examination. People with a refractive error often visit their eye care professional with complaints of visual discomfort or blurred vision. However, some people don’t know they aren’t seeing as clearly as they could.
6How are refractive errors corrected?
Refractive errors can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.
Note : Nothing in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions, please see your eye care practitioner.